Find out the latest in changes in immigration policies here*. Of course, information provided in this website is current at the point of publication. Information provided in the website of the Department of Home Affairs would provide you with the latest information on policy changes and visa requirements.
*This information should not be regarded as advice given and the author bears no responsibility on the part of the reader using this information to progress with their own visa applications.

Migration pathways to Australia are becoming increasingly difficult and anyone telling you that the process is easy would be outright lying to you. Despite the difficult nature of the migration options available, always seek professional advice and make sure it's not all 'YES' answers you want to hear. Caution should always be exercised and anyone guaranteeing you a result would definitely be lying (not to mention a breach of the Code of Conduct).
Australia welcomes you IF you:
are a highly skilled professional.
have a distinguished talent.
are being employed by an employer who is eligible to sponsor you here.
are willing to pursue a study programme that leads to permanent residency.
SUB-CLASS 485 (Post-Study Work stream) SIMPLIFIED

Australia is currently one of the safest nations in the world since the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic reared its head in December 2019. Blessed with no common borders with the rest of the world, Australians have been able to enjoy a safe environment due to strict border enforcement and genuine community spirit to follow government guidelines to prevent further spread of the virus in its community.
Post COVID-19, Australia will be a good country to consider opportunities for work life balance. Australian education has long been a pathway used by many to seek out opportunities after completing their studies in Australia. However, due to border closures since March 2020, this has prevented many from exploring this option.
If you are interested to find out more about this opportunity and do not want to delay your study plans, then contact us for more information.

Australia offers a a wide range of study options for international students, with more than a thousand institutions and over 20,000 programmes available for you to choose from.
How would you know which programme suits you?
How would you know what your career goals may be at this point in time?
Which programme would best suit you to optimise your potential for a great career in the future?
There is always a programme that is suitable for everyone. Do you want to know what suits you?

Candidates who are looking for a job in the market must present themselves to be 'attractive' in the 'eyes of the employer'. There are specific areas of interest that an employer would zoom in on:
Relevant experience
Duration of each employment
Academic background
At any one time, an employer who has launched a recruitment campaign can receive over hundreds of CVs. What would make yours stand out? Have your picture professionally taken, rather than have a profile picture from your social media platforms. At the same time, align your information presented your CV to your LinkedIn profile. Your CV shouold be concise, highlighting your skills and experience in a good 2-pager document.