what is the
Employabilitybooster programme
The EBP is a continuous support service, extended to our student graduates with qualification obtained from an Australian institution. The programme is also suitable for those intending to gain further experience in the Australian workplace.
The EBP takes our candidates through 6 stages, from developing an employer-worthy profile, to learning basic work tools, enhancing work values and solutioning, and managing work expectations.
Whilst the objective is to prepare the candidate to be ‘work-ready’, the employer benefits from this 'non-obligatory to hire after' relationship.
With less pressure, the intern can quickly assimilate, contribute and be productive without involving too much time and cost during the transition for the employer. Therefore, being a host company can be a rewarding experience.
Why would the organisation be interested in the role of a Host Employer?
Test-drive 'talent'
Allow the employer to ‘test-drive’ the talent so that there is a ‘safe period’ for both parties to progress in the relationship rather than place pressure on that structure instead.
Work Satisfaction
Increase employee satisfaction and retention rate as interns would typically have a grace period to mature into a required role in the organisation.
Enhance Creativity
Enhance creativity with the introduction of fresh ideas and perspectives. Interns are typically eager to 'shine', but with the lack of work experience, they compel to contribute new ideas.
Early Exposure for Adaptability
Allowing graduates the earliest opportunity to work towards meeting work standards so that the industry can benefit as a whole. This is important for the economy as a whole.
What are our roles?

Provide a safe and conducive environment for the intern to learn and contribute towards productivity in the organisation.
The infrastructure should include:
Dedicated mentor and/or supervisor to monitor performance of the intern.
Agreed upon learning objectives and expected tasks of the intern.
Orientation of workplace practices and day-to-day responsibilities.
Feedback on progress and performance review of intern.
Commitment of 3 months or, at least 16 hours a week (for no more than 8 weeks) to host the intern at the workplace.
Provision of adequate resources, equipment, and facilities to support the learning objectives.

Ensure a symbiotic relationship exists between both the Host Employer and Intern.
Blue Education will:
Carry out the matching process between the Intern and the role expectation of the Host Employer.
Clearly establish the objectives of both parties for clarity and delivery.
Walk through the task expectations of the Intern at the workplace with the mentor/ supervisor.
Establish the performance review framework for both parties to provide feedback on the internship arrangement.
Provide a platform for both parties to escalate and resolve any issues arising from the internship arrangement.

Appreciate the opportunity provided by the Host Employer and contribute towards organisational productivity.
The Intern should ensure:
Clarity of learning objectives and task expectations set.
Commitment of 3 months or, at least 16 hours a week (for no more than 8 weeks) in the internship programme.
On-time reporting at the workplace as per agreed upon schedule.
Receive formal feedback from mentor and/ or supervisor assigned on areas for improvement.
Application and extension of the knowledge gained in class and learning curriculum.