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Managing Director I Principal MARA Agent

Over calculations of points can result in visa refusals, so take caution when assessing your points for migration purposes. At the point of invitation (EOI) points are self-assessed. You may still be invited on your incorrect points invitation by the State's Migration office, but the application will be assessed by a delegate from the Department of Home Affairs. The State's migration office does not have to assess the validity of your documents and has no influence on the decision maker (the delegate from the Department of Home Affairs), so if you claimed you had 95 points and invited on that basis, but the delegate determines that you only have 90 points, then your visa application may be refused.

My family migrated to Australia in 1982 (family sponsored) and we only lasted 3 months in Australia as the opportunities then, appeared better in my home country for my parents. The process then was very easy and in 1988 my family decided to migrate to Australia again (business stream).

I commenced my high school years and later completed my university studies in Australia. During this time, I never had a care in the world about migration requirements until I started working in International Education. Through my engagements with several education institutions in Australia, I was able to meet many students across the globe and was able to assist them in selecting the correct education pathway to reach their intended career goals. I was aware that most students choose Australia not only because of its quality education but also opportunities for migration options. In the beginning it was easy when the global economy was strong but when the global economic crisis hit, the Australian government had to be stricter to protect Australian residents and its citizens jobs.

Since becoming a registered migration agent, the migration requirements have become stricter. It is not enough to only complete your studies in Australia with the hope of a guaranteed path to achieve your migration opportunities.

You do need to have relevant working experience and meet higher English requirements if you wish to be a competitive candidate for skilled visa selection. We have helped many clients to pursue the correct pathway to achieve positive migration opportunities in Australia.


Our team understands the difficulties and everyone’s circumstances are always different. But we are always here to support our clients and our students.



Director I Education & Career Counsellor

As a migrant, I know that it’s not always easy. To even start that process of application, it’s even harder.  But, there is always the right formula for everything that you want to achieve.  A good education is paramount. A clear realistic set of goals with commitment from each member of the family can’t fall short of that equation.

We have helped many set foot on Australia soil. Our team understands the difficulties and acknowledge that everyone’s circumstances are always different. But, we are consistently here to support our clients and our students.

I understand the difficulties of being an international student in a foreign country, especially when English is not my first language. There were many challenges I have faced, but each experience gave me the strength to push myself further.

I came to Australia when I was 17 to complete high school.  Thereafter, I got into the University of Western Australia and received my Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting, Finance and Business Law.  My professional career began in a Big 4 Accounting Firm and over the years, I gained many opportunities to work alongside multi-nationals and governmental agencies. I started in IT risk management and now, I have over 20 years of experience in risk, business continuity, strategic and corporate governance and have held senior position roles prior to working here at Blue Education.

There is only one reason for me to be in Australia, and that is the choice I have made for my children to have the best in education. I have always felt that I didn’t get enough of the education system here in Australia. I have always wanted more.  I knew that it had taught me independence and gave me empowerment to pursue many goals in life. I wanted my children to have that same opportunity, if not, far beyond my anticipation.  So, several years ago, I decided to return to Australia.  It was not easy for me to give up my career, to relocate and call Australia my home. Then again, my family and I have had enough adventures.  In a span of 4 years, my children have been through 6 different schools in 6 different cities, making friends and saying goodbye became such a ritual for them. Surely, they would now know that the world holds no boundaries, and we should all have the capacity to be global citizens one day.  Education and relevant work experience become the enabler for mobility.

Sonia is a Certified Practising Accountant in Australia, a Chartered Accountant in Malaysia, a Certified Business Continuity Professional and holds an MBA from Deakin University, specialising in Strategic Planning.  Prior to joining Blue Education, Sonia was the Director of Risk at Ernst & Young, Western Australia.  Prior to the border restrictions, Sonia enjoys her travels to South East Asia where she delivers talks and training programmes to management and board f directors of public listed companies on risk and governance.

She has dedicated her life to providing sound and honest advice to international students and assist them in their plight to graduate and eventually transition efficaciously into the working world.  She calls her work now, a higher calling and is passionate about seeing students and graduates successful in life.

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