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WA and DAMA (Designated Area Migration Agreements)

Currently, there is so much buzz about DAMA. So what is DAMA and how can this affect you?

DAMA in itself presents an opportunity to a candidate with the right skillset and the employer who needs that skillset to fill a resource gap.

DAMA essentially stands for Designatred Area Migration Agreement, DAMA in short. This is an agreement between the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and the state/region.  Whilst DHA can set conditions for entry into the country on a federal level for skilled migration, under DAMA, the state or region can have more flexible requirements for overseas workers to come in via regional sponsorship to respond to the state’s economic and labour market conditions.  

Authorised by Home Affairs, a Designated Area Representative (DAR) manages and oversees a DAMA program for a specific area. Responsibilities include: 

  • endorsing businesses to access Labour Agreements and hire Skilled Migrants; 

  • monitoring labour market trends in the DAMA region; 

  • guiding the application process for a DAMA Labour Agreement; 

  • endorsing businesses to Home Affairs.

Employers must seek and gain endorsement from the DAR before lodging a labour agreement request. Where a DAMA labour agreement is approved, the business will be able to nominate and sponsor skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers for certain occupations (each DAMA head agreement covers a specified range of occupations).

Individuals cannot directly access a DAMA. Individuals need to be sponsored:

  • by an employer operating in a designated region, and

  • for an occupation that is specified in the head agreement


Below are the 13 DAMA in place  

The WA DAMA enables eligible businesses in Western Australia, who are unable to recruit appropriately qualified Australians, to supplement their workforce with skilled migrant(s) through three (3) visa pathways: 

  • Temporary Skills Shortage (subclass 482) visa;

  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) (subclass 494) visa; or

  • Employer Nominated Scheme (ENS) (subclass 186) visa  

More than 250 companies are listed in four(4) DAMAs in WA (excluding Western Australia). i.e. South West DAMA, Pilbara DAMA, Goldfields DAMA and East Kimberley DAMA.

Now, there is a fifth in the state. Since July 2024, the Western Australian Designated Area Migration Agreement (WA DAMA) was established. This establishment is a response to the ongoing demand from employers for filling jobs in key sectors in Western Australia. This was a result of the Cook and Albanese Labor Governments who have signed a deal for 10,000 skilled migration places for the FY 2024-2025. This indeed will create more opportunities for the state of WA's economy and residential constriction industries.

How can one be eligible for DAMA?

For a candidate, it depends on the type of visa, one may or may not require skills assessment. However, there are definitely exemptions given for age and English proficiency levels.

First thing first, prepare your CV, detailing your academic history, professional qualifications and work experience. Our team will help you assess to see if you are indeed eligible for the right sub-class. If you require a template, you can click this LINK and email to us at

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